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Letter from the Editor

Hello Fellow Bengals,



I am your new editor for SY2023-24. I am looking forward to another great year with BBN. In my time at the Bengal Broadcast Network , I have grown to love what we do. From the broadcasting to the articles, BBN has provided students with an output for their creativity and passion. We have worked together to form what the club has become, and we continue to grow with every opportunity we receive. In my time as editor I hope to continue in the path laid before me by further growing this program. My priority this year is to advertise BBN and reach as many people as possible. Whether it is past or present Bengals, parents or someone who simply wants to see our Bengal in action. Furthermore I hope to have BBN  be a space where everyone is able to follow what they are passionate about. Whether it is sports, a specific club or simply an opinion piece about their favorite movie, I want all the BBN members and Piper Bengals to know that BBN will always welcome new ideas. With that being said, I hope to start this journey as editor strong, I have high hopes for this year, hopes I know we can accomplish. I also want to give a special thank you to the Jason Taylor foundation, thank you for helping BBN become what it is. I am looking forward to an amazing year.



Yours Sincerely,

Laura Morejon

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